CPEFC Statement on TX ruling on transgender use of public school bathrooms and locker rooms

For Immediate Release

August 22, 2016

Fairfax, VA — Concerned Parents and Educators of Fairfax County released a statement on the decision of a Texas U.S. District Court to block President Obama’s guidance directive on the use of public school bathrooms and locker rooms by transgender students.

“Many parents in Fairfax County and all over the country are relieved that their children can return to school without worrying about personal safety and invasions of privacy in locker rooms and gender separate classes. Our daughters can return to PE class without worrying they may be forced to dress or undress in front of a biological male. Our sons can travel with school teams or arts groups without worrying they might be assigned to share a room with a biological female,” Kilgannon explained.

“This injunction gives us a valuable opportunity to have a conversation in Fairfax County and all over the country about what is best for ALL families and students. Fairfax County School Board’s Policy 1450 (and additional regulations) were handed down without reasonable time for consideration or debate by parents or the taxpaying public. If we are really seeking the best outcome for all children, then a reasoned and deliberate process must be undertaken to determine exactly what IS best for children in Fairfax County Public Schools, especially those experiencing gender dysphoria,” she continued.

“In addition, there has been very little discussion about what these gender identity regulations mean for teachers, especially teachers of faith. Can we compel a practicing Catholic public school teacher to use a pronoun that doesn’t fit the biology of the human person? This is a question than can now be fully explored and answered on the state and local level, as is proper in our American educational system.

“The rights of ALL students and teachers must be respected, but never at the expense of the rights of anyone else,” Kilgannon concluded.

For more information please contact, Meg Kilgannon at 202-930-5347 or executivedirector@concernedparentsandeducators.org